Strategie bepaling
Soort vastgoed
Vastgoed van overheden
City of Sint Niklaas
Factor4 draws up a strategic real estate plan for the public buildings and land that fall under the management of the city of Sint-Niklaas.
The Client is one of the 75 local authorities participating in the SURE2050 project ( This project aims to make the public heritage future-proof, together with the Flemish municipalities and cities and the Flemish government. The ultimate objective of SURE2050 is for the participating cities and municipalities to draw up a Strategic Real Estate Plan (SVP) to make their assets climate neutral by 2050.
The SVP consists of 2 parts:
an explanatory note summarizes the current situation and describes the real estate strategy for the next 30 years
an extensive buildings table that provides a structured overview of the portfolio, including basic data about the buildings and plots.
The 'heart' of an SVP is a schematic timeline between now and 2050 that shows the chosen strategic scenario for each building.
Factor4's tasks include:
Identifying housing needs through workshops and desk research. We discuss the needs and future expectations per building cluster (sports, youth, administration, culture, healthcare, etc.).
Real estate inventory: Collect basic data of the buildings, map energy and maintenance costs, determine occupancy rate, perform quick scans, gauge user satisfaction, ...
Mapping preconditions and objectives: Financial preconditions, identifying opportunities for local RE, synthesizing the Energy/CO2 objectives.
Determine real estate strategy: Develop strategic portfolio scenarios, draw up building sheets, form a vision for integrated real estate management and determine an approach for evaluating and adapting the SVP.