EPC facilitation via Building Performance Contract 9 sites



Strategie bepaling



Soort vastgoed

Vastgoed van overheden


Province of West Flanders


2019 - heden

In the context of the CiRe project ('Circular Renovation'), Factor4 facilitates the tendering and implementation of an EPC project in eight buildings in the province of West Flanders.

Factor4 developed the 'Building Performance Contracting®' (BPC) approach and successfully applied it in an initial pilot project at Sint Niklaas. Like a conventional EPC approach, the BPC approach focuses on energy savings, but also generates guarantees in the areas of climate neutrality, maintenance, residual value and circular materials.

Schema BPC 2 JPG verkleind 3x.jpg

The assignment mainly consists of the following tasks:

  • Project preparation: including inspection of the buildings, collecting detailed building information and carrying out NEN 2767 inspections

  • Selection of the candidate ESCOs: including drawing up the selection guidelines and comparing the nominations

  • Awarding ESCO: including drawing up the award guidelines, comparing submitted quotations and facilitating negotiations

  • Project implementation: including coaching the client in monitoring the performance of the ESCO (e.g. the guaranteed energy savings) as well as in compliance with the KPIs;

Factor4 applies the 'Building Performance Contracting' (BPC) approach it developed for EPC facilitation. A BPC approach not only includes guaranteed energy savings, but also guarantees in terms of maintenance, residual value and circular materials.

The facilitation assignment is currently ongoing. A total of 8 sites are included in the building scope with a total area of ​​16,000 m². The preparation of the file (inspection of buildings, inventory, energy consumption and baselines, selection and award guidelines) has been completed and the tender for the project is scheduled for early 2023.

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