Strategie bepaling
Soort vastgoed
Vastgoed van overheden
VVSG, as part of the “Climate Network,” has resolved to establish a Capacity Fund. This aims to provide far-reaching relief to local governments, a mix of larger and smaller municipalities, by providing additional manpower. The relief includes finding and realizing “No-Spite” measures. These are energy-saving measures with a short payback period (TVT < 1 to 2y).
The financial effort made by VVSG Network Climate for this purpose is repaid by the local board with the savings realized, thus creating a rolling fund with which other local boards can be relieved in the future.
In the first phase of this project, Factor4 was appointed by VVSG to screen 20 buildings in 4 pilot municipalities - namely Genk, Ravels, Volvoorde and Pelt - to find and implement No Fault measures.
After an initial analysis of the patrimony of the 4 municipalities, we selected the most suitable buildings. The most eligible buildings are those with significant energy consumption and relatively complex installations. The buildings are very diverse in nature: city hall, library, expo space, sports halls, swimming pools, cultural centers, etc.
On the basis of an initial tour of the buildings and a detailed examination of the energy consumption and control of the installations, we drew up a list of possible improvement measures.
Based on the payback period of the measures, we made a selection of measures to be implemented immediately with the municipality. Typical measures are:
1° Adjustments to the operation and regulation of the HVAC:
Review and adjustment clock times
Verification and adjustment of leave times
Verification of effect of night reduction
Weather dependence of flow temperatures
Condensation optimization via reduction of return temperatures
Correct operation of circuits, pumps and mixing valves
2° Lighting modifications
Relamping (new lamps in existing fixtures) in certain cases
Raising awareness
3° Energy-efficient equipment
Avoiding standby losses
Replacing energy wasters (refrigerators, freezers, etc.)
Since revenues will eventually flow back to the Capacity Fund, it is important to determine them as accurately as possible. To this end, we use 'Simplified M&V', weighing the costs of any additional measurements against their benefits (a more accurate and reliable estimate of savings).
In addition to the concrete implementation of energy-saving measures, together with the municipalities, we have also taken the first steps toward integral sustainable patrimony management. After all, the intention is to use the budgets released by the initial energy savings for a better, more efficient and ultimately climate-neutral patrimony.