

Soort vastgoed

Vastgoed van overheden


Leefmilieu Brussel



The Order of May 2, 2013 in the Brussels Air, Climate and Energy Control Code (BWLKE) provides, in Chapter 4, for the mandatory implementation of a Local Action Plan for Energy Use (PLAGE) for the organizations with a large building stock on the Brussels territory.

In short, the mandatory PLAGE is a regulatory tool to help the Brussels Capital Region achieve its energy and climate objectives and commitments.

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In order to verify that the plans actually produce results, among other things, a standard method will be developed that will allow an unquestionable evaluation of the measurements and verification of the energy savings realized thanks to the actions in the plan. Two methods will be used.

1. The first method, called “basic standard,” consists of justifying energy consumption savings by:

  • The ex ante calculation of the reduction in consumption

  • An estimate of the level of uncertainty associated with the calculation;

  • The provision of the material evidence of realized works or services.

2. The second method, which uses measurements of actual energy performance gains, complies with the IPMVP (International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol). It evaluates all relevant parameters that influence energy consumption as well as the percentage of uncertainty related to the determination of energy performance gains.

Both methods (“base” and IPMVP) compare the measured real consumption before and after EPA implementation, in accordance with the PLAGE decision.

In this context, Brussels Environment calls on Factor4 as an independent expert who perfectly masters the field of energy efficiency of buildings and is particularly specialized in measuring and verifying results via the IPMVP protocol.

Factor4 is responsible for verifying the information provided by these organizations and for assisting them in drawing up their M&V plan and in measuring and verifying their action plan.

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