Are you an SME looking to invest in energy efficiency or renewable energy? Thanks to the EENergy grant, SMEs can receive up to €10,000 for projects that deliver at least 5% energy savings. What's extra interesting: services such as energy audits and consulting by Factor4 are also covered by this subsidy scheme.
Are you an SME looking to invest in energy efficiency or renewable energy? Thanks to the EENergy grant, SMEs can receive up to €10,000 for projects that deliver at least 5% energy savings. What's extra interesting: services such as energy audits and consulting by Factor4 are also covered by this subsidy scheme.
Factor4 not only supports you with energy audits, advice and guidance, but also helps you apply for this subsidy.
What does the grant entail?
The EENergy grant offers financial support for various investment, consultancy and training actions, including:
Energy audits and consultancy services that identify savings opportunities.
Training and support to improve energy management.
The installation of renewable energy systems such as solar panels.
Replacing outdated boilers with more efficient systems.
Implementing energy management software or other technologies that promote energy savings.
Main conditions
Only SMEs are eligible.
The action must achieve energy savings of at least 5%.
Grant applications must be submitted by February 28, 2025.
The investment may only start after signing the grant agreement in May 2025.
Factor4 helps you on your way
Our experts will guide you through every step of the process: from performing an energy audit to drawing up an implementation plan that meets the subsidy conditions. In addition, we offer support in completing and submitting the subsidy application.
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