Factor4 pioneers with Pay-4-Performance programs

factor4 pioneers with pay 4 performance programs

Together with other European energy experts, Factor4 developed a methodology for realizing Pay-4-Performance (“P4P”) programs in the built environment.

Together with other European energy experts, Factor4 developed a methodology for realizing Pay-4-Performance (“P4P”) programs in the built environment. Pay-4-Performance allows to efficiently realize energy renovations in large groups of buildings.

The following 7 videos explain in plain language the advantages and possibilities of these programs in Belgium and other European member states. Factor4 developed these English-language videos as part of the European research and innovation program Horizon 2020.

1: P4P programs in buildings: the general concept

2: What benefits do P4P programs in buildings generate for the electricity generation and distribution system?

3: How can P4P programs boost a carbon-neutral society?

4: How do you manage a P4P program?

5: Hoe de eerste P4P- pilotprogramma’s opzetten?

6: Hoe kunnen P4P-programma’s derde partijfinanciering mogelijk maken?

7: Dank je wel!

Interesse? Contacteer dan Geert Goorden (geert.goorden@factor4.eu, +32 477 59 89 03) of Johan Coolen (johan.coolen@factor4.eu, +32 494 72 97 95) van Factor4.