From sole proprietorship to consultancy
Factor4 started in 2006 as a sole proprietorship, focused on advising private individuals on the construction or renovation of energy-efficient homes. Our first logo, inspired by the shape of the house where our registered office is located, symbolized our personal and bespoke approach.
From Residential Projects to Professional Clients
Soon we shifted our focus to a professional target group. To mark this important transition, in 2009 we introduced a new logo with the baseline ‘Efficient in energy’. This logo was based on the Deming cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act), a methodology that reflects our vision of process optimization. We mainly carried out energy-saving projects in various buildings, such as schools, offices and logistics centers.
Innovation in performance contracts
In the following years, Factor4 developed into a pioneer and innovator in performance contracts, offering firm guarantees on energy savings, improved comfort and circular use of materials. Another key innovation is our Comfortmeter, a tool that measures and compares building users' comfort satisfaction. This approach is in line with our broader mission: not only to increase energy efficiency, but also to improve the overall performance of buildings. In 2017, this was summarized in a new baseline: ‘Building Performance’.
Strategic real estate planning
In recent years, we grew to a team of ten employees, and further expanded our focus. Besides optimizing individual buildings, we now also support the creation of strategic plans to make entire property portfolios climate-neutral. To visually support this growth and evolution, we have again subtly adjusted our logo: the Deming cycle fades slightly and the logo now has a simpler, modern look that perfectly aligns our vision and our new website.
Always evolving
We continue to innovate to meet the changing needs of our customers and developments in the industry. However, our mission remains the same: to make buildings and real estate portfolios future-proof and sustainable.
With Factor4, you choose a partner committed to continuous improvement and innovation. Together, we build sustainable and future-ready real estate portfolios.
From 1 January, fuel suppliers will have to track and report their fossil fuel purchases. This is a crucial preparatory step. ETS2 will become fully operational in 2027. While the exact consequences are not yet entirely clear, one thing is certain: fossil fuels will become significantly more expensive.
The Agency for Nature and Forests (ANB) is taking an important step towards a sustainable and efficiently managed real estate heritage. With a thorough inventory and a strategic real estate plan, Factor4 is helping them on their way to climate neutrality by 2050. How do we tackle this? Find out here!