Corporate real estate

You wish to maintain the market value of your assets. Your buildings may therefore need an upgrade. The legislator is increasingly imposing new and stricter requirements, including climate neutrality by (at the latest) 2050. But other matters such as the EPC value, the circular use of materials, removing asbestos risks and improving accessibility also play a role.

Properties that are not compliant or not attractive lose their market value. It is also becoming more difficult to find tenants. So you are considering investing, but how do you go about this? Which investment scenario is the most cost-effective? How do you easily find financing under the European Union's SFDR ('Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation')? And how do you ensure that your real estate portfolio optimally meets the requirements of the EU Taxonomy?

Factor4 guides you in the strategic review of your assets and the development of a customized investment strategy.

We map your real estate (assessment), evaluate different scenarios (real estate strategy), organize the implementation of the necessary climate measures (implementation), check the impact of the measures (verification) and report your progress in the field of sustainability (ESG Reporting). .

"Factor4 calculated the CO2 emissions and ecological footprint of 'renovation' versus 'new construction' of an office tower under our management. The results showed that renovation implied a significantly lower footprint, not only during the renovation/construction phase, but also over the complete 'life cycle' of the building (up to and including demolition). These results have helped us to choose circularity in an informed way. In order to make material and renovation choices based on data, we will again perform an LCA calculation for future renovation projects. Thanks to Factor4 for their professional calculations, expertise and timely delivery."
Lisa Moerman - Sustainabilty Manager at Tribeca Capital

In 5 steps to a climate-neutral real estate portfolio






Strategy development






ESG reporting

A real estate assessment provides a concrete overview of the property. We map the buildings in terms of occupancy rate, energy consumption, EPC-NR label, condition and future-proofing. If you wish, we also survey the comfort satisfaction of the users with Comfortmeter, calculate the CO2 emissions or carry out a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) or Total Cost of Ownership calculation. We draw up mandatory energy audits or energy plans for non-energy-intensive companies.


Energy action plan for Triginta's buildings

Preparation of EPC NR certificates, energy audits of (heritage) buildings, preparation of a long-term strategic energy plan and ESG reporting (GRESB).

Energy audit 2 sites Porsche

Factor4 conducted an energy audit for 2 d'Ieteren sites, with a focus on the building management system.

Energy Audit

Several mandatory energy audits in Flanders

Verplichte energieaudit voor grote ondernemingen in Vlaanderen

Mandatory energy audit for large enterprises in Flanders

Botanic Building LCA calculation

Calculation of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the Botanic Building in Brussels North. We compared the environmental impact of a major renovation with a comparable new construction.

HVAC study and Comfortmeter survey

Remediating various persistent HVAC problems in the main building in Brussels; diagnosis in boiler rooms of local buildings in Flanders. Comfort meter survey on the indoor climate in Brussels.


Factor4 helped Herbosch-Kiere to comply with the obligation for the energy inspection of air conditioners and the heating audit. These audits were carried out together with a global energy audit of the head office in Kallo.

Master plan apartment building in Antwerp

Preparation of a long-term master plan for the (energetic) renovation of an apartment building in Antwerp.


With the support of Flanders Circulair, Factor4 developed an ESC contract for the provision of heat and electricity within an apartment building. A third party guarantees the result.

Feasibility study of energy renovation

Feasibility study of energy renovation apartment building

Energy audit

Mandatory energy audit for large companies in the Walloon Capital Region

Energy audit

Various mandatory energy audits in the Brussels Capital Region

Energy audit

Various mandatory energy audits for large companies in Flanders


Plus+ project for more comfort and less energy consumption in an office building


Strategy development




Strategy development






ESG reporting

It is clear that investments will have to be made in most buildings. But which measures are necessary and in what order? How 'deep' should a renovation go? And also: Where do you draw the line between investing and divesting? A strategic vision of the heritage allows you to develop a step-by-step plan. This also allows us to avoid ad hoc interventions that are often not cost-efficient.

Factor4 helps to structure these decision processes by drawing up a strategic real estate plan together with you.


Energy action plan for Triginta's buildings

Preparation of EPC NR certificates, energy audits of (heritage) buildings, preparation of a long-term strategic energy plan and ESG reporting (GRESB).

Master plan apartment building in Antwerp

Preparation of a long-term master plan for the (energetic) renovation of an apartment building in Antwerp.

Feasibility study of energy renovation

Feasibility study of energy renovation apartment building

Project SURE2050

SURE2050 is an initiative of the Flemish Energy Company, the Flemish provinces, Fluvius, the Facility Company, KampC, DuboLimburg and Factor4. Factor4 developed the tools for strategic real estate planning to support Flemish municipalities and public organizations. 97 local governments are participating in the project.

Strategic real estate planning

Guidance in drawing up a Strategic Real Estate Plan for the city's heritage. Workshops on renovation moments and principles for strategic real estate management


With the support of Flanders Circulair, Factor4 developed an ESC contract for the provision of heat and electricity within an apartment building. A third party guarantees the result.

Energy scans in 100 municipal buildings

Factor4 made an energy scan of more than 100 buildings and put the architectural and installation data in a database structure. Two scenarios are also calculated: a 'profitable' scenario and a 'climate-neutral' scenario.

EPC facilitation via Building Performance Contract 9 sites

Preparation of an EPC project - via a Building Performance Contract (BPC) - of 9 major VDAB sites, including audits, NEN 2767 inventory, drawing up tender documents and drawing up an M&V plan

EPC facilitation via Building Performance Contract 9 sites

Preparation and tendering of an EPC project - via a Building Performance Contract (BPC) - of 9 sites, including audits, NEN 2767 inventory, drawing up tender documents and drawing up an M&V plan. The building pool partly consists of historic buildings such as the Bulskampveld castle and the Esen castle.

EPC facilitation via Building Performance Contract 9 sites (tender)

Preparation and tendering of an EPC project - via a Building Performance Contract (BPC) - of 9 sites, including audits, NEN 2767 inventory, drawing up tender documents and drawing up an M&V plan.

Renovation master plans for apartment buildings in Kortrijk

Factor4 drew up a long-term energy renovation plan for various apartment buildings on behalf of Leiedal (the interlocal association for regional development in South-West Flanders). Factor4 was appointed for this purpose in the context of a framework contract for VEKA.

Apartment buildings heat-as-a-service

Feasibility study and development of energy concept for Heat-as-a-service in apartment buildings






Strategy development






ESG reporting

For the implementation of measures, Factor4 can either implement the measures by itself, find a suitable contractor or help the client to set up a performance-oriented contract that include maintenance and energy consumption. These are the so-called Building Performance Contracts (BPC). Choosing smart KPIs and bonus-malus formulas is crucial.

For some buildings, short-term measures are possible to increase their energy efficiency. With little or no investment costs, Factor4 optimizes your technical installations - if desired via a performance contract ('no cure no pay') - which usually results in 10-15% energy savings.



Factor4 helped Herbosch-Kiere to comply with the obligation for the energy inspection of air conditioners and the heating audit. These audits were carried out together with a global energy audit of the head office in Kallo.


Plus+ project for more comfort and less energy consumption in an office building


Factor4 installed a new heating control and achieved savings of more than 30%. Factor4 guaranteed the result.


With the support of Flanders Circulair, Factor4 developed an ESC contract for the provision of heat and electricity within an apartment building. A third party guarantees the result.

Boiler room renovation and roof renovation in two shelters

Drawing up an energetic study, specifications and site follow-up of a boiler room renovation and a roof renovation in two reception centers

Maintenance contract specifications

Drawing up specifications and tendering for a performance-oriented maintenance contract for an office in Brussels

EPC facilitation via Building Performance Contract 9 sites (tender)

Preparation and tendering of an EPC project - via a Building Performance Contract (BPC) - of 9 sites, including audits, NEN 2767 inventory, drawing up tender documents and drawing up an M&V plan.

Project Re-Co

Implementation and promotion of a 10% reduction in energy consumption and costs through low- and no-cost measures among governments and companies.

EPC facilitation via Building Performance Contract 9 sites

Preparation and tendering of an EPC project - via a Building Performance Contract (BPC) - of 9 sites, including audits, NEN 2767 inventory, drawing up tender documents and drawing up an M&V plan. The building pool partly consists of historic buildings such as the Bulskampveld castle and the Esen castle.

Apartment buildings heat-as-a-service

Feasibility study and development of energy concept for Heat-as-a-service in apartment buildings






Strategy development






ESG reporting

Measuring is knowing, everyone is convinced of that. But which parameters should be measured? How do you keep a measurement campaign affordable? Factor4's 'IPMVP specialists' develop a pragmatic measurement and verification plan that enables you to monitor the performance of your assets.



Factor4 is auditor of the action programs of authorities and companies owning real estate in the Brussels Capital Region. Factor4 is responsible for monitoring and guiding organizations in the preparation of their Measurement and Verification (M&V) plan, in accordance with the IPMVP protocol.

M&V plan for renovation project

Preparation of an M&V plan for the evaluation of energy consumption after the renovation of an office building (competition phase).

Energy monitoring

Factor4 developed an energy monitoring plan for the city of Sint-Niklaas to map the energy meters of their heritage and describe the specifications of a suitable energy monitoring system. With this document, the city went to the market to find a suitable provider and install the monitoring system.

Energy monitoring advice

Analysis and optimization of existing energy monitoring system in VDAB buildings

EPC facilitation via Building Performance Contract 9 sites (tender)

Preparation and tendering of an EPC project - via a Building Performance Contract (BPC) - of 9 sites, including audits, NEN 2767 inventory, drawing up tender documents and drawing up an M&V plan.

EPC facilitation via Building Performance Contract 9 sites

Preparation and tendering of an EPC project - via a Building Performance Contract (BPC) - of 9 sites, including audits, NEN 2767 inventory, drawing up tender documents and drawing up an M&V plan. The building pool partly consists of historic buildings such as the Bulskampveld castle and the Esen castle.

EPC facilitation via Building Performance Contract 9 sites

Preparation of an EPC project - via a Building Performance Contract (BPC) - of 9 major VDAB sites, including audits, NEN 2767 inventory, drawing up tender documents and drawing up an M&V plan

Apartment buildings heat-as-a-service

Feasibility study and development of energy concept for Heat-as-a-service in apartment buildings


Factor4 helped Herbosch-Kiere to comply with the obligation for the energy inspection of air conditioners and the heating audit. These audits were carried out together with a global energy audit of the head office in Kallo.


Plus+ project for more comfort and less energy consumption in an office building


Factor4 installed a new heating control and achieved savings of more than 30%. Factor4 guaranteed the result.


ESG reporting




Strategy development






ESG reporting

The CSRD (Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive), which is part of the European Green Deal, requires certain companies to report on the sustainability level of their activities.

The technical requirements that ESG reporting must meet are stated in the ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards). One of the requirements of the ESRS is that reporting must be in accordance with the EU taxonomy.

Because we have extensive expertise in the built environment, we focus within the EU taxonomy on specific 'eligible' activities from Annex 1, Article 7 (construction and real estate) such as:

1 construction of new buildings

2 renovation

7 acquisition and ownership of buildings

By checking whether your activities are aligned with technical criteria laid down in the EU taxonomy, we provide valuable input for your mandatory or voluntary ESG reporting (e.g. EPRA, GRESB, GRI, SDG, ..).

When carrying out the alignment screenings, we think strategically with you and work with you to find out how you can prevent stranded assets in your portfolio. We therefore go beyond compliance screening by also providing strategic advice.


Energy action plan for Triginta's buildings

Preparation of EPC NR certificates, energy audits of (heritage) buildings, preparation of a long-term strategic energy plan and ESG reporting (GRESB).

Comfort meter survey

Carrying out comfort satisfaction surveys via Comfortmeter (Post occupancy evaluation), among other things in the context of ESG reporting, namely certification "WELL Building Standard"

Botanic Building LCA calculation

Calculation of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the Botanic Building in Brussels North. We compared the environmental impact of a major renovation with a comparable new construction.

Comfort meter surveys in 20 VDAB buildings

Carrying out comfort satisfaction surveys in 20 large VDAB buildings, with the aim, among other things, of evaluating the maintenance and renovation policy implemented and identifying further opportunities for improvement with regard to the comfort satisfaction of the building users.

Comfort meter survey Pleijsierbouw

Carrying out annual comfort satisfaction surveys (Post occupancy evaluation), with the aim of, among other things, evaluating the building management carried out and identifying further improvement opportunities with regard to the comfort satisfaction of building users

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