Energyscans for Vlaams energiebedrijf

Energyscans for Vlaams energiebedrijf

Building type: healthcare institutions Location: Flanders Floor area: 200 to 50.000m² Yearly energy use Gas: 6 MWh – 10.000 MWh Elektricity: 2 MWh – 3.000 MWh Energyperformance diagnosis in the health care sector Factor4 supports the Flemish Energy Company in...


Buildintype All types Client EU, Horizon 2020 program Timeline 2017-2019 Consortium E7 ENERGIE MARKT ANALYSE (DE) EFIEES (EU) EEVS Insight (UK) INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN (SI) ASEW (DE) CRES (GR) EKODOMA (LV) ENERGETICKE CENTRUM BRATISLAVA (SK) CREARA (SP) SEVEN (CZ)...


Building type School Floor surface 20.000m² Yearly energy consumption Gas: 1.300.000 kWh Electricity: 230.000 kWh Expected savings 10-15% Better heating and lower energy cost The school consists of a kindergarten and a primary and secondary school, all gathered at 1...


Building type Office building Floor surface 1600m² Client De Winkelhaak 80 office workers surveyed Comfortmeter survey in an office building Factor4 organized a survey in Co-working office ‘De Winkelhaak’, using the Comfortmeter®. We asked the users what score between...