Energiebesparing op school

Energiebesparing op school

Gebouwtype Scholen Locatie Antwerpen en Oost Vlaanderen Jaarlijks Energieverbruik meer dan 100.000€ Partners: Energiesparen op school Het departement Onderwijs heeft Factor4 een subsidie van 100.000€ toegekend om in twee scholen een interessant...
Energyscans for Vlaams energiebedrijf

Energyscans for Vlaams energiebedrijf

Building type: healthcare institutions Location: Flanders Floor area: 200 to 50.000m² Yearly energy use Gas: 6 MWh – 10.000 MWh Elektricity: 2 MWh – 3.000 MWh Energyperformance diagnosis in the health care sector Factor4 supports the Flemish Energy Company in...


Building type School Floor surface 20.000m² Yearly energy consumption Gas: 1.300.000 kWh Electricity: 230.000 kWh Expected savings 10-15% Better heating and lower energy cost The school consists of a kindergarten and a primary and secondary school, all gathered at 1...
Thomas Morus

Thomas Morus

Building Type Studenthome Location Leuven Floor area 4,500m² Annual Energy Consumption Gas: 1.200.000 kWh Electricity: 200,000 kWh Expected annual savings Fuel: 24% Electricity: 5% Heating system renovation and strategy for deep renovation Factor4 has designed a new...