Strategic advice



We assist public authorities and building managers towards better performing and sustainable real estate portfolios. We develop strategies and corresponding roadmaps. We help implement the roadmaps by offering workshops in which we focus on change management and process management.

Our services include:

Change management

We assist organisation in het change process when moving towards output-based performance contracting.

Energy procurement advice

We can purchase energy on your behalf. We are on top of the market dynamics and we combine the procurement of your energy with other customers, leading to significant cost reductions.

Policy advice

We deliver advice and consultancy to public authorities on energy policy and regulations.

Research projects

We participate in several EU funded research projects related to energy performance contracting and climate plan financing.
Read more here:

Our clients

Office in Belgium
Lange Winkelhaakstraat 26
B-2060 Antwerp
T +32 3 225 23 12
Find out here how to reach us and where to park.
You can leave your bike in a locked area in the building.

VAT 0884 068 589
IBAN: BE38 7380 3377 0772
RPR: Mechelen
Terms and conditions

Contact us